Dumplings and Kraut todsy!

listen to ‘Dumplings and Kraut todsy!’ on audioBoom

10-17-15 #CatholicEdChat Inclusion in Our Catholic Schools

listen to ‘10-17-15 #CatholicEdChat Inclusion in Our Catholic Schools’ on audioBoom

10-10-15 #CatholicEdChat Professional Development

listen to ‘10-10-15 #CatholicEdChat Professional Development’ on audioBoom

9-25-15 #CatholicEdChat Information Literacy

listen to ‘9-25-15 #CatholicEdChat Information Literacy’ on audioBoom

Chris Segrell, Principal at Christ the King, acceptance speech for #ArchOmaha dinner

listen to ‘Chris Segrell, Principal at Christ the King, acceptance speech for #ArchOmaha dinner’ on audioBoom

9-19-15 #CatholicEdChat Books! and #GRA15

listen to ‘9-19-15 #CatholicEdChat Books! and #GRA15’ on audioBoom

@Room113SMM singing City of God

listen to ‘@Room113SMM singing City of God’ on audioBoom

@Room113SMM singing Seed, Scattered and Sown

listen to ‘@Room113SMM singing Seed, Scattered and Sown’ on audioBoom

@Room113SMM singing Here I Am, Lord

listen to ‘@Room113SMM singing Here I Am, Lord’ on audioBoom

@Room113SMM singing Gather the People from the choir loft!

listen to ‘@Room113SMM singing Gather the People from the choir loft!’ on audioBoom