How I Made QR Code Stations of the Cross

A traditional Lenten practice is praying the Stations of the Cross. The 7th graders at our school present a tableau of the Stations of the Cross. Every year it is a powerful performance. This year our school purchased a cart filled with 32 iPads. I’m always on the look out for new ways to add [Read On]

4-5-14 #CatholicEdChat 1 to 1 Best Practices

listen to ‘4-5-14 #CatholicEdChat 1 to 1 Best Practices’ on Audioboo

The Corporal Works of Mercy #CatholicEdChat 3-29-14 #MercyInTheCity

listen to ‘The Corporal Works of Mercy #CatholicEdChat 3-29-14 #MercyInTheCity’ on Audioboo

The 14th Station

listen to ‘The 14th Station’ on Audioboo

The 13th Station

listen to ‘The 13th Station’ on Audioboo

The 12th Station

listen to ‘The 12th Station’ on Audioboo

The 11th Station

listen to ‘The 11th Station’ on Audioboo

The 10th Station

listen to ‘The 10th Station’ on Audioboo

the 9th Station

listen to ‘the 9th Station’ on Audioboo

the 8th Station

listen to ‘the 8th Station’ on Audioboo