3-8-14 #CatholicEdChat Virtual Learning Days for Snow Days

listen to ‘3-8-14 #CatholicEdChat Virtual Learning Days for Snow Days’ on Audioboo

3-1-14 sharing #Lent and Ash Wednesday resources #CatholicEdChat

listen to ‘3-1-14 sharing #Lent and Ash Wednesday resources #CatholicEdChat’ on Audioboo

drum solo by a 5th grade girl – talent show

listen to ‘drum solo by a 5th grade girl – talent show’ on Audioboo

4th grader singing and playing the guitar- talent show

listen to ‘4th grader singing and playing the guitar- talent show’ on Audioboo

the Accordian has made a come back! today’s talent show

listen to ‘the Accordian has made a come back! today's talent show’ on Audioboo

2-22-14 #CatholicEdChat Using Twitter for Professional Learning and PD

listen to ‘2-22-14 #CatholicEdChat Using Twitter for Professional Learning and PD’ on Audioboo

2-15-14 #CatholicEdChat Special Guest- Art Teacher @fuglefun

listen to ‘2-15-14 #CatholicEdChat Special Guest- Art Teacher @fuglefun’ on Audioboo

2-8-14 #DLDay Incorporating Digital Learning #CatholicEdChat

listen to ‘2-8-14 #DLDay Incorporating Digital Learning #CatholicEdChat’ on Audioboo

2-1-14 Distance Learning and our monthly GHO #CatholicEdChat

listen to ‘2-1-14 Distance Learning and our monthly GHO #CatholicEdChat’ on Audioboo

1-25-14 #CatholicEdChat Sharing ideas for #CSW14

listen to ‘1-25-14 #CatholicEdChat Sharing ideas for #CSW14’ on Audioboo