Turkey gobbling in @room113SMM

listen to ‘Turkey gobbling in @room113SMM’ on Audioboo

11-23-13 #CatholicEdChat All About Podcasting

listen to ‘11-23-13 #CatholicEdChat All About Podcasting’ on Audioboo

The Latest in Education #CatholicEdChat 11/16/13

listen to ‘The Latest in Education #CatholicEdChat 11/16/13’ on Audioboo

11-9-13 How does your school help it’s local community? #CatholicEdChat

listen to ‘11-9-13 How does your school help it's local community? #CatholicEdChat’ on Audioboo

St. Augustine Native American dancers with drum circle and jingles

listen to ‘St. Augustine Native American dancers with drum circle and jingles’ on Audioboo

Native American Circle Drum Dance with children from St. Augustine School

listen to ‘Native American Circle Drum Dance with children from St. Augustine School’ on Audioboo

2 handmade flutes for Fr. Dave

listen to ‘2 handmade flutes for Fr. Dave’ on Audioboo

Native American Flute song by Fr. Dave

listen to ‘Native American Flute song by Fr. Dave’ on Audioboo

Pass the Mic Chat #CatholicEdChat 11-2-13

listen to ‘Pass the Mic Chat #CatholicEdChat 11-2-13’ on Audioboo

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Grace! The Official Room 113 Birthday Song

listen to ‘Happy Birthday, Mrs. Grace! The Official Room 113 Birthday Song’ on Audioboo