Chant by Seminarians #Catholic

listen to ‘Chant by Seminarians #Catholic’ on Audioboo

7-20-13 #CatholicEdChat #copyright

listen to ‘7-20-13 #CatholicEdChat #copyright ’ on Audioboo

Born Under a Bad Sign – Dilemma at the Playing with Fire Concert

listen to ‘Born Under a Bad Sign – Dilemma at the Playing with Fire Concert’ on Audioboo

A Pilgrimage to End The Year of Faith

During the Jubilee Year of 2000, I put together a pilgrimage for my school community. My friend Jo Kusek, the Director of Religious Formation at two local parishes, helped me write the reflections for each stop. I loved the opportunity to walk the grounds of our campus during this pilgrimage. So each year, during the [Read On]

7-13-13 #CatholicEdChat ELL students

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Three Ways to Encourage Vocations in the Elementary Classroom

When I was very small, I thought everyone had an uncle who was a priest. I had Uncle Fr. Paul and Uncle Fr. John. As I grew older, I realized just how lucky I was. As a teacher in the Catholic elementary classroom, I hope that my future students will have this same experience. Here [Read On]

Perchance to Read

I’m a reader. I love having a good book at the ready. In today’s digital world, it’s so much easier to find my next book. I’m a member of Goodreads which has made it easy to find books that are worth the read. The Omaha Public library has a great collection of  books and ebooks to [Read On]

7-6-13 #CatholicEdChat Balance in Today’s Digital World

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Let’s Get Rolling!

I admit it. I am a terrible housekeeper! During the school year, only the basics of housecleaning gets done. When the summer hits, that’s when we get rolling! Saturday was a day filled with dusting, vacuuming, windexing, and scrubbing. We were preparing for a visit from our future Daughter in Law and my sister, her [Read On]

6-29-13 Topic for #CatholicEdChat Summer PD

listen to ‘6-29-13 Topic for #CatholicEdChat Summer PD’ on Audioboo