Station 6- Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

listen to ‘Station 6- Veronica wipes the face of Jesus’ on audioBoom

Station 4- Jesus meets his mother

listen to ‘Station 4- Jesus meets his mother’ on audioBoom

Station 2- Jesus receives the cross

listen to ‘Station 2- Jesus receives the cross’ on audioBoom

the 1st Station – Jesus is confemned

listen to ‘the 1st Station – Jesus is confemned’ on audioBoom

2-6-16 #CatholicEdChat #Lent Sharing

listen to ‘2-6-16 #CatholicEdChat #Lent Sharing’ on audioBoom

#CatholicEdChat 1-16-16 Classroom Assessment

listen to ‘#CatholicEdChat 1-16-16 Classroom Assessment’ on audioBoom

12-12-15 #CatholicEdChat Wonder

listen to ‘12-12-15 #CatholicEdChat Wonder’ on audioBoom

Crown Him with Many Crowns

listen to ‘Crown Him with Many Crowns’ on audioBoom

The King of Glory!

listen to ‘The King of Glory!’ on audioBoom

11-21-15 #CatholicEdChat Advent!

listen to ‘11-21-15 #CatholicEdChat Advent!’ on audioBoom