I am so excited! This Saturday I’m attending my first unconference. It was organized by one of my Twitter friends, Kyle Pace. He, along with the members of my PLN, are running this unconference. Yes, WE are running this conference. The sessions will be offered on Saturday and the ones that look interesting and meet your current needs, will be the ones for you.
But of course, this conference wouldn’t be complete without meeting, in real life, the people behind the avatars, the people of my PLN. The smartest thing I did, when Twitter offered lists, was to make a list of people I’ve met ‘in real life’. It’s been so much fun to connect with my Twitter friends and thank them for contributing to me becoming a better teacher.
So, on Saturday, look for me, BarbInNebraska, not in curls anymore and in full color, asking you, “Are you my friend?”
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