3rd Grade program- Tika Tika Ta

listen to ‘3rd Grade program- Tika Tika Ta’ on audioBoom

3rd grade program: Scotland’s Burning

listen to ‘3rd grade program: Scotland's Burning’ on audioBoom

Live It or List It #CatholicEdChat 10-18-14

listen to ‘Live It or List It #CatholicEdChat 10-18-14’ on audioBoom

Farher blessing our Rosaries!

listen to ‘Farher blessing our Rosaries!’ on audioBoom

#CatholicEdChat Sharing Rosary and Alll Saints Ideas10-11-14

listen to ‘#CatholicEdChat Sharing Rosary and Alll Saints Ideas10-11-14’ on audioBoom

#CatholicEdChat 10-4-14 Bringing the EdCamp model to your Catholic school

listen to ‘#CatholicEdChat 10-4-14 Bringing the EdCamp model to your Catholic school’ on audioBoom

9-20-14 #CatholicEdChat GAFE discussion

listen to ‘9-20-14 #CatholicEdChat GAFE discussion’ on Audioboo

#CatholicEdChat Keeping that first week of school energy up! 9-6-14

listen to ‘#CatholicEdChat Keeping that first week of school energy up! 9-6-14’ on Audioboo

Telling the Story of Your School! 8-23-14 #CatholicEdChat

listen to ‘Telling the Story of Your School! 8-23-14 #CatholicEdChat’ on Audioboo

8-16-14 #CatholicEdChat Faith and Service in our Schools

listen to ‘8-16-14 #CatholicEdChat Faith and Service in our Schools’ on Audioboo