8-9-14 #CatholicEdChat Back to School Chat

listen to ‘8-9-14 #CatholicEdChat Back to School Chat’ on Audioboo

Homily for Fr. Pat Malone, SJ funeral Mass given by Fr. Greg O’Meara, SJ 7-28-13

listen to ‘Homily for Fr. Pat Malone, SJ funeral Mass given by Fr. Greg O'Meara, SJ 7-28-13’ on Audioboo

7-26-14 #CatholicEdChat From Box Tops to Candy Bars, ideas to make money for your classroom and school

listen to ‘7-26-14 #CatholicEdChat From Box Tops to Candy Bars, ideas to make money for your classroom and school’ on Audioboo

Grandpa Deacon Robert prayer #gilnandez

listen to ‘Grandpa Deacon Robert prayer #gilnandez’ on Audioboo

Best Man Speech and Toast #gilnandez

listen to ‘Best Man Speech and Toast #gilnandez’ on Audioboo

Maid of honor #gilnandez

listen to ‘Maid of honor #gilnandez’ on Audioboo

Homily #gilnandez wedding 7-19-14

listen to ‘Homily #gilnandez wedding 7-19-14’ on Audioboo

We Have a Rosary Color Winner!

Thanks to so many of you for your help in helping me pick the color for the Wedding Rosary for Byron and Karisa’s wedding. Here are the details.     Using MapAList I was able to plot the locations of all those who voted. They will have a Rosary color picked by friends from around [Read On]

7-12-14 #CatholicEdChat Literacy Across the Content Area

listen to ‘7-12-14 #CatholicEdChat Literacy Across the Content Area’ on Audioboo

Rain Drops on a Day Lily