QR code activity for ‘Meet the Teacher’ night

Our first day of school is Monday. This evening my students dropped off their supplies and checked out where they sit in the room and who they sit by. It was also an evening to meet their teacher. It was a fast paced 2 hours where 32 students, and their parents, come to check out 3rd grade. 

I attended the Great Plains Google Summit this summer and picked up this great activity. I posted 4 questions around my room with QR codes. My students borrowed my iPad and iPod Touch and used my QR code reader to find the answers to my questions. 

My questions were

  • What is your teacher’s favorite color?
  • What is your teacher’s favorite hot drink?
  • Who is in your teacher’s family?
  • Who is your teacher’s favorite Saint?

I used my new class wiki to host the answers. I also used a Chrome add on tool to make a QR code quickly. This extension is called the goo.gl URL shortener. The QR code reader app I used was I-Nigma. You can see the beginnings of this year’s wiki here.


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