Using a QR Code to get out the vote

My students are so excited about Loyola Press’s Finding God video contest. We worked hard on our artwork and the song we added to our video. Now, is the hard part, getting out the vote! 

We discussed ways to spread the word. We would love to win our Religion books for next year! Our principal emails her Monday memo to each family. We asked her to add the URL to it and that made it very easy for familes to vote. So with a click of a mouse, parents can vote for our video called “Where do 3rd graders find God?”

An easy way for 3rd graders to vote was to add the link to our class wiki. I added it to the top of the home page. Plus, our video’s title is easy to remember, “Where do 3rd graders find God?” Visiting the wiki and voting was tonight’s homework! 

Easter is this Sunday. Many of my students will be visiting relatives and traveling. We wondered how we could remember the URL for the contest. An idea hit! A QR code! We love all things tech in Room 113. So, I made a QR code for the website and added the URL for those that don’t have a QR reader. I made up a flyer, that has 4 QR codes on it, for my student to share and get out the vote! 


Don’t forget to vote! Click here if you don’t have a QR code reader and vote for “Where do 3rd graders find God? Thank you!

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