Why aren’t more Catholic educators on Twitter? #NCEA2012

Today was the opening day for the NCEA convention held in Boston this year. I sure wish I could have gone to this convention! I was lucky enough to attend the NCEA convention in Minneapolis back in 2010 and really enjoyed the experience. With 3 sons in college, my budget is limited. 

Luckily, I can attend virtually from home via Twitter following the hashtag #NCEA2012! Unluckily, there are hardily any Catholic educators on Twitter. Where are they? Twitter has been the go-to tool for me since I joined May 1st 2007. 

If you are a Catholic educator at NCEA, could you please follow me? @BarbInNebraska and I’ll be following you back and adding you to my list Catholic School Teachers If you aren’t at the NCEA convention, follow me too! 

We need to have a voice on Twitter as Catholic school teachers. We need to collaborate, communicate and create! Follow me! 

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