A Great Picture of My Dad

My dad’s sister, Jean, gave me a wonderful picture of my dad last year. It was taken in January 1942 when he was 9 1/2 years old. I love this picture because this is the age of the children that I teach. I bet my dad was a great student and he told interesting stories and funny jokes even when he was in grade school! 


We lost my dad in February of 2008. I’ve put this picture in a frame and he’s been added to my Saint Corner in my classroom. He’s on the Saints in the Making shelf with pictures of the classes of students I have taught. I also have many people who have been declared Blessed by the Catholic church on my shelf. 


  1. oneeyedsmiley says

    love the picture of your dad. Would love to see a picture of your Saints in the Making shelf …

  2. I wish I had a picture of my dad. He died when I was a child and I never really got to know him. The last memory of him was that I was standing in the hospital parking lot with my mom and younger brother and sister, looking up at the upper floors and seeing my dad for the last time. We couldn’t enter the hospital because it was a TB Ward. Yes, when we went to school in the 40’s, we had to wear a white shirt & tie. A red one on Wednesdays because it was ‘Assembly Day’, where the whole school gathered together in the auditorium. Nice memories!

  3. Deacon John, I’m so sorry you don’t have a picture of your dad! But I bet he’s smiling down at you now as you are thinking about him. That’s so interesting that the boys of the 1940’s wore a shirt and tie. Did you attend a Catholic school? My dad did.

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